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[8TURN/Selfies] The Return of 8 Boys to Dazzle the World, 8TURN’s <STUNNING> | M COUNTDOWN INTERVIEW




8TURN has come back with , the eight boys’ third EP compiled with five tracks teeming with boundless energy that would literally ‘stun’ the world. In addition to their mesmerizing project, these boys have also recently joined Mnet Plus to take their communication with fans to another level. On Mnet Plus, the members are showing off their charms that may have been yet veiled by their on-stage presence and charisma. Check out this story of the eight boys who flaunt their confidence in this latest album while sharing their desire to share pieces of daily life with fans, exclusively captured by M COUNTDOWN Magazine.




Hello, 8TURN! Please introduce yourselves to our M COUNTDOWN Magazine subscribers. Also, please let us get to know some of your charms!


MYUNGHO: Hello, I’m Myungho, the eldest member of 8TURN! I believe my charm is the gap between myself on stage and in daily life; while I get ever more passionate on stage, I often find myself to be somewhat dorky in real life. Please keep your eyes on me!


JAEYUN: Hello, I’m Jaeyun, the bear-like leader of 8TURN. My charm would be my voice, as it would melt your ears and hearts just like that.


MINHO: Hello, I’m Minho, the brother of 8TURN, whom I would compare to sheep. Once you fall for me, you will have a hard time getting my thoughts out of your mind as I would cheer you up just by being there!


YOONSUNG: Hello to M COUNTDOWN Magazine subscribers! I’m Yoonsung, the one who is in charge of keeping 8TURN’s tension and energy up high, and also who wishes to deliver happiness to our dear fans!


HAEMIN: Hello, I’m Haemin of 8TURN! While we show off our powerful and dramatic performances on stage, we may surprise you with some unexpectedly gentle and soft sides as soon as we get down the stage. Also, I would appreciate it if you spot any side of me that catches your fancy and take them into account as my charms!


KYUNGMIN: Hello, I’m Kyungmin, the shining star of 8TURN! I’m in charge of singing, dancing, enhancing the team’s visuals, working out, and composing (which I’m currently working on…) in 8TURN! You may soon find yourselves falling in love with Byul’s charms!


YUNGYU: Hello, I’m Yungyu, the energy booster of 8TURN! Please show lots of love and support to 8TURN as we have one of the most beautiful smiles, charming voices, and dazzling dance moves!


SEUNGHEON: Hello, I’m Seungheon, the youngest member of 8TURN! I would say that one of 8TURN’s charms that cannot be missed is our perfectly synched choreography which also exhibits our individual charismas. As it is already told by our name, we, 8TURN, are working hard to take infinite turns and demonstrate boundless possibilities!



You have come back with your third EP in about half a year on January 9, 2024. As the band’s leader, Jaeyun, please briefly share your latest album.


JAEYUN: We would say that our third EP is literally ‘stunning.’ We have had our unique style melted down in this project while demonstrating our confidence to overcome any obstacles or difficulties that may befall us.



In your last two albums <8TURNRISE> and , you displayed some of your freewheeling charms by experimenting with diverse genres as a team of 8 boys. Which charm do you guys covet to share with ?


JAEYUN: What we desire to unveil in this album is we, 8TURN, ourselves. As I have mentioned earlier, this album will reflect and display 8TURN’s unique style. We believe our style is the fearlessness and determination to present ourselves without adding or making anything up. We would like to bring out our own style that no other group can show or imitate.



The way all eight members dyed your hair blond was also stunning. Did you by any chance wonder how your fans would react to this unforeseen change?


YOONSUNG: We were absolutely anxious to know! This was actually my first time to dye my hair since we made our debut, and we already had it done two months prior to the release of the first teaser. But since our fans had no idea, they used to tell me that I would look good with blonde hair. I could not wait to tell them.


HAEMIN: I had kept my hair black for the past few albums, and this was also my first time dying and bleaching my hair. So I wondered how TURNING would react to our change of style. I was worried at first that it would not look good on me, but I was so glad that I had done it after listening to all those compliments from TURNING!



Please introduce the lead track, ‘RU-PUM PUM.’


MINHO: Our lead track, ‘RU-PUM PUM,’ is a song that will make you get immersed in our musicality. By listening to the song and following us on stage, you will get to check out 8TURN’s confidence and our unadorned style.


YOONSUNG: The song also features an intense beat and hooking refrain! We think it has become a song that reflects more of our band’s color and style with Yungyu and Seungheon participating in writing the lyrics.



Intensified with catchy choreography, ‘TIC TAC’ and ‘EXCEL’ are reckoned as two of the most powerfully delivered songs in 8TURN’s discography. As the band’s main dancers, can Myungho and Jaeyun explain the signature dance moves of ‘RU-PUM PUM’?


JAEYUN: We named the main choreography for this song ‘Pumpum Dance,’ which would remind you of boxing.


MYUNGHO: As Jaeyun explained, it is a choreography that reminds us of boxing with our gloves on. Along with this move that goes well with our title track, we would like to ask for your keen attention!



As the band’s rappers, Yungyu and Seungheon participated in writing the lyrics for ‘RU-PUM PUM.’ Please share the part you focused on the most. Also, do you have any moments of writing the lyrics that you wish to share with us?


YUNGYU: We poured our hearts and efforts into writing the lyrics for them to deliver the message that our album and title track intend to convey. We thought what really mattered was to write an addictive refrain that comes to the listeners’ lips just like that. I remember writing the lyrics while singing it along on repeat. I wanted the lyrics to be comprised of some interesting combinations of pronunciations while expressing our confidence.


SEUNGHEON: The part where I wrote “Peace one, v two, kimchi Ya’ had members pat me on the back, and they said that part keeps playing in their heads. I am also fond of that line as well, and it also makes me proud.



I’m aware that members also wrote the lyrics for ‘GLOW,’ a gleefully touching fan song. This question is for Minho and Kyungmin: What were some memories that came across your minds while writing the lyrics for this special song?


MINHO: We thought it was a great opportunity to encapsulate some messages we wish to say to TURNING. I tried to convey some of the emotions I felt from the moment we first met TURNING and throughout the turning points we have been together as truthfully as possible.


KYUNGMMIN: Since this is our second fan song, I jot down all the thoughts I wished to share with TURNING and tried to find the most genuine and pleasant phrases. 😍



Please share your favorite track from , aside from the lead track!


MYUNGHO: My favorite song is ‘THE GAME’! Not only is the song super energetic and enthralling, but it also has one of the best refrains. I’m sure you will love it when you listen to it!


JAEYUN: My personal favorite in this album is ‘WE HERE.’ I admire its lyrics and melody line. The more I listen to it, the more I find myself falling in love with it.


MINHO: My favorite track is ‘GLOW.’ I’m personally attached to the song not only because I wrote the lyrics but also because it is a fan song that delivers my heart toward TURNING.


YOONSUNG: The fourth track, ‘WE HERE,’ is also my favorite! I used to have other tracks in my mind, but I soon found myself singing its melody over and over again. I would say that ‘WE HERE’ has since then become my favorite.


HAEMIN: I like ‘THE GAME’ the most! I would say it is a song that does an exquisite job of presenting 8TURN’s charm as reckless, goofy boys. As a sports fan, I guess I find this song more energetic than other tracks.


KYUNGMIN: All B-side tracks are definitely not to be missed, but I would still say the lead track ‘RU-PUM PUM’ is the best of our album! It is a great song that would keep on playing in your mind while perfectly reflecting the unique style of this album. 💜


YUNGYU: I would say ‘THE GAME’ is also my favorite! While each track is the best in its own way, I chose this one as it includes my narration. There was no narration planned at first, but Jaeyun later prepared one for me as we thought the song would be better delivered if it included a narrated part. The way we developed the storyline was so much fun, and the song itself is already very exciting and appealing, so I guess I’m now more attached to it.


SEUNGHEON: I would choose our first track, ‘THE GAME’! It is a song full of energy that would remind you of a scene from an American football game. I had this as my favorite as it also does a splendid job of capturing a lot of 8TURN’s styles just as much as the lead track ‘RU-PUM PUM’ does.



I have noticed that 8TURN has been actively uploading diverse types of YouTube content, including ‘8HUNTERS,’ ‘8T:V,’ and ‘re:TURN.’ As you are reckoned by fans as the member who most frequently shares his playlist on the official fan page, Yungyu, do you have any songs to recommend for the to-be TURNINGs?


YUNGYU: If you are new to 8TURN, I would highly recommend you to watch the series titled ‘BOM UP,’ which captured our days as trainees! Those clips will take you back to the days of us before the debut, and you will be able to spot some different sides of us. If you finish the series, I’m pretty confident that you would have become a solid TURNING!



It has already been a year since you made your debut. I believe you guys have gotten even closer to each other by sharing rooms. Please share something about your roommate that you recently learned.


MYUNGHO: Kyungmin started reading books before going to bed these days. TURNING would love to see him as a book lover.


JAEYUN: What I learned after our recent roommate swap was that Yoonsung is even cuter than I thought he was. I now find even his smallest gestures lovely. Haha.


MINHO: I guess we got closer as we got to know more about what our roommates like and dislike and how they spend their leisure time. Yoonsung keeps the area tidy up whenever he has time, and Haemin unexpectedly likes snacking. Meanwhile, Jaeyun takes good care of his skin. By spending more time with them, I was able to recognize some of the other unseen sides of our members.


YOONSUNG: Haemin’s wit has always made me laugh since a long time ago, but now that I’m sharing a room with him, I witness his sense of humor even getting better day by day. He makes me laugh a lot. And most of all, he is very sharp-sighted, so I think that is how we just clicked.


HAEMIN: While Minho is a light sleeper, Jaeyun is a heavy sleeper. Jaeyun rarely gets awakened but he never misses his alarm ringing, which is still a mystery to me.


KYUNGMIN: To start off, Myungho stays awake very late! I used to think I was the one who had late nights, but I always spot Myungho staying up watching movies or dramas whenever I go to bed. Haha.


YUNGYU: In contrast to Seungheon’s on-stage charisma and sharp looks, he is very cute in real life, which I would say is his charm point. As a high school sophomore, I think he is losing more of his baby fat lately and glowing up! You rock, Seungheon!


SEUNGHEON: While sharing a room with Yungyu, I realized that our lifestyles have a lot in common. We sleep and wake up at similar times, and we never get on each other’s nerves or do something that makes the other feel uncomfortable. I would say he is one of the best roommates I have ever had! We also share hobbies, so we hang out a lot whenever we have a break in between schedules. I’m always grateful that Yungyu is a person who makes those around him feel relaxed.



8TURN has been actively communicating with your fans TURNING on Mnet Plus and Plus Chat. Is there a comment left by TURNING that comes across your mind, Seungheon, as the team’s youngest member?


SEUNGHEON: I think we have gotten a lot closer with TURNING by being active on Plus Chat. I usually send messages as if I’m talking with a close friend. In response, I have read some messages sent from TURNING saying that they also feel like talking with a friend or a high school student. It makes me feel good as those messages imply that TURNING is feeling closer to me.



I guess there will be some pieces of your daily life that you wish to share via Mnet Plus. What are some of those pieces?


MYUNGHO: Since I love skiing in the winter, I would like to share myself skiing someday if I get a chance.


JAEYUN: I wish to share my daily life on Mnet Plus! I would like to share even the smallest things, such as my lunch menu for today and a photo of a cute stray cat I spotted on the street.


MINHO: I want to share some of the most ordinary things in my daily life, from how I usually spend my day and what I do to what I eat. I wish to share my small bits of happiness with TURNING.


YOONSUNG: I am ready to share my daily moments, not those that you can spot on stage or TV shows. Since I always have something to say and like to eat, I wish to frequently share these sides of me on Plus Live or Plus Chat.


HAEMIN: I would like to share my hobbies with fans on Mnet Plus. I wish to share how I spend my off days, and myself playing soccer!


KYUNGMIN: I want to do an eating show. I enjoy watching mukbangs, because they are not only fun to watch but also fulfilling as I get to see some mouthwatering food.


YUNGYU: I tend to spend my time practicing whenever we have a day off, and I think I would feel even closer to TURNING  if I shared my time in the choreography room! I really enjoy doing Plus Live in the room as it feels like we are sharing space and time!!


SEUNGHEON: I wish to share all the smallest things and pieces of my daily life with TURNING as if I’m chatting with a long-time buddy.



On behalf of the team, Myungho, as 8TURN’s eldest member, please share the team’s new year goals for 2024.


MYUNGHO: When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, tangible and measurable goals obviously matter; however, our priority for this year is to continue our musical career while keeping ourselves in good health. Although we did not have any big accidents last year, some members were a bit sick, so I hope we can end this year while staying safe and healthy and relishing every moment.



Last but not least, let’s wrap up with a message to your fans TURNING, who will be a turning point for each other, and also to M COUNTDOWN Magazine readers!


MYUNGHO: Dear TURNING and M COUNTDOWN Magazine readers, we 8TURN is a group that you would fall into more as you get to know more! I would like to ask for your continued love and support, and I hope we can make more memories for a long, long time. Let’s go~


JAEYUN: Hello TURNING! Our third EP is finally out. Just as much as we have poured our hearts into this album, I wish you would love it too. We will continue to work hard, so let’s make some great memories together! Happy New Year! Love you all!


MINHO: I hope we continue to be indispensable to each other, and I also hope we get to have more opportunities to communicate with each other. Stay healthy and happy in the new year. 💘💘


YOONSUNG: Hello to our TURNING and M COUNTDOWN Magazine subscribers! We have made a spectacular comeback with our 3rd EP and all our hair bleached! Please look forward to our catchy and cool lead track! I would like to ask for your love and support for 8TURN.


HAEMIN: Our TURNING!!!! It has already been a year since we made our debut. How are we doing so far? As the question asked, TURNING has always been our turning point! You guys made me happy, laugh, and even cry. We still have so many things that we have not been able to show you. We will make sure to become better in every way and show you a lot of great things in the future, so please continue to look after us! I like you!  💙


KYUNGMIN: Our goal has always been to show the best music and performances to TURNING! We will make sure to become a more mature team in 2024! 👻


YUNGYU: Hello to our TURNING who shows constant support, and also to M COUNTDOWN Magazine readers! Our 3rd EP is an album teeming with confidence, highlighting our musicality! Please listen to it on repeat! Thank you!


SEUNGHEON: Hello TURNING! We are already heading towards our first anniversary. Thank you so much for your continued love over the past year. We will continue to work hard to become a group that pays back the love and support we have received from you guys. I would like to ask for love and support from our M COUNTDOWN Magazine readers as well! Happy New Year and I love you. 






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