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[Xdinary Heroes] Xdinary Heroes Gears Up for a Turning Point [Troubleshooting] | M COUNTDOWN Interview



Armed with a powerful rock sound and dazzling performances, Xdinary Heroes has been consistently showcasing the charm of band music since their 2021 release ‘Happy Death Day.’ Now, they are back with their highly anticipated first full-length album, [Troubleshooting]. Described as a work that concludes the <♭form> universe, let's dive into the story of [Troubleshooting] presented by Xdinary Heroes!


The title [Troubleshooting] is unique. Could you tell our readers what it means?

GUN-IL: ‘Troubleshooting’ is a computer programming term meaning 'problem-solving.' As we, Xdinary Heroes, transition from our universe into the real world, we aim to resolve all the issues and conflicts that have occurred so far. We hope our songs help listeners resolve their own struggles as well!



I heard that [Troubleshooting] is part of the <XPERIMENT PROJECT>. Could you explain what <XPERIMENT PROJECT> is?

JUNGSU: <XPERIMENT PROJECT> is an experiment testing the potential of Xdinary Heroes, conceptualized around prototype testing in game development.



I heard [Troubleshooting] is the final story of the <♭form> universe. Since it was key to understanding Xdinary Heroes, I'm curious about your reflections on concluding the < ♭form > journey!

GAON: We've taken a step away from the <♭form> universe that we've been in since our debut. Thanks to the <♭form> universe, we believe Xdinary Heroes could create our unique sound and lyrics, and above all, it was a world that suited us so well. Given the chance, I'd like to meet again with the members in the <♭form> universe someday.



JOOYEON not only plays the bass but also acts as the band's main composer. What's the main focus when creating Xdinary Heroes' songs?

JOOYEON: While in the early days, I tried to write somewhat unique and intriguing lines, now I strive to create melodies that are distinctive to me yet universally appealing.



The rhythm section is essential in band music. Is there a particular aspect that you focus on when synchronizing JOOYEON's bass with GUN-IL's drums?

GUN-IL: We focus on each other's groove. We discuss whether to play the beat leisurely or energetically pushing forward. Also, when JOOYEON sings and plays the bass simultaneously, the bass naturally follows the groove of the song, making us want to listen to JOOYEON's singing even more.




Could you tell us about the title track 'Little Things'?

Jun Han: It's a song about feeling embarrassed and foolish because every action seems scary and undermines one's self-esteem. Despite growing older, one still displays immaturity in becoming an adult. However, we added a twist with an exciting punk genre.



The music video for 'Little Things' was impressive, with scenes of opening jail bars and kicking water puddles while performing. What emotion were you trying to express?

O.de: We wanted to express freedom and joy, breaking away from feeling suppressed.



Jun Han displays a fantastic guitar solo in 'Money On My Mind.' I'm curious about Jun Han's role models as a guitarist.

Jun Han: While I look up to many guitarists, recently I've been focusing on Slash from Guns N’ Roses and the master of rock guitar, Steve Vai. I am trying to emphasize the attitude towards music.



'UNDEFINED' and 'MONEYBALL' are in uppercase, while 'until the end of time' is in lowercase. Was there a special reason for this naming?

GAON: 'UNDEFINED' and 'MONEYBALL' have a cool and intense musical color. In that sense, we used all uppercase to leave a stronger impression. Conversely, 'until the end of time' is a gentle ballad, so we opted for lowercase, giving it a more cautious appearance reminiscent of a phrase from a novel, adding a sense of wistfulness.



Could you share a particularly memorable track from this album?

GUN-IL: Track 6, 'Dreaming Girl.'

JUNGSU: For me, it's the title track 'Little Things.' I went through a really tough time personally during the production, but listening to the overall melody of the song gave me a lot of comfort, making it a memorable experience.

GAON: Mine is 'MONEYBALL.' It's a track where I poured all my efforts into, incorporating many of my strengths without holding back.

O.de: I'd like to share track 7, 'until the end of time.'

Jun Han: 'Little Things,' the title track that I spent a lot of time on writing the lyrics.

JOOYEON: 'Walking to the Moon' was created when I was feeling exhausted and wanted to leave work early. GAON squeezed this track out of me, and we imagined walking on the moon while making it.



There are English lyrics in your songs. What aspects do you particularly focus on when mixing Korean and English?

GUN-IL: We consider whether the English feels forced or if it's necessary in the context.



GAON takes on various roles from rhythm guitar to rapping and vocals. What’s your approach to taking on multiple roles?

GAON: The all-rounder position is very appealing to me. I'm dedicated to practicing to showcase various aspects of myself.



With JUNGSU's piano and O.de's synthesizer, the band has a unique composition. There might be strengths and weaknesses in arrangement and sound making.

JUNGSU: The coexistence of keyboard and synthesizer is a significant advantage. While others take charge of the core of the song, we contribute to shaping and enhancing the song's direction, aiming for cooler tracks.



When it comes to bands, ensemble is crucial. Could each member express the emotion they feel when harmonizing each instrument in a single word?

GUN-IL: Teamwork!

JUNGSU: Like making a seafood stew, where different sounds and ingredients come together to create a delicious dish.

GAON: Above all, 'Love.'

O.de: It's a feeling that’s so hard to describe, almost 'Inexpressible.'

Jun Han: I don't feel much emotion, just 'Not bad.'

JOOYEON: I thought of the proverb 'Pride comes before a fall!'



From your 2021 single 'Happy Death Day' to this latest release, what do you think has been the most significant area of growth?

JUNGSU: I think each member's sensibility has grown a lot. We share opinions on how to make more people enjoy our music and how to present better stages. The process is much faster and there's a variety of opinions bouncing back and forth compared to our debut. Of course, our love for our fans as well! (smiles)



I'm curious about the memories of covering songs by senior artists like Song Chang-sik 'Why Are You Calling Me' and Kim Kyung-ho 'Forbidden Love'!

JOOYEON: It was an honor just to showcase our sound. There's a lingering feeling of 'if we had more time to prepare, could we have presented a better stage?' However, meeting senior artists in person and exchanging looks with them was a very special moment. We’re always eager to demonstrate our progress in the future!



Could you share which musicians you've been enjoying listening to recently?

GUN-IL: Official髭男dism.

JUNGSU: I've been listening to Official髭男dism a lot lately.

GAON: I enjoy listening to Arctic Monkeys.

O.de: I like songs by AJR.

Jun Han: Lately, I've been listening to Kirinji from Japan.

JOOYEON: Like GAON, I enjoy Arctic Monkeys.



When we think of spring and summer, festivals come to mind. What aspects of festival stages do Xdinary Heroes find appealing?

O.de: Regardless of the season, it's about getting deeply immersed in the moment and enjoying the atmosphere together.



You met with M COUNTDOWN Magazine with your third mini-album [Deadlock] last year. Now, returning with [Troubleshooting], I'm curious about your aspirations for 2024!

GUN-IL: It will be a year where Xdinary Heroes gears up, marking a turning point!



Finally, could you leave a message for the readers of M COUNTDOWN Magazine?

JUNGSU: To all the readers of M COUNTDOWN Magazine! Throughout 2024, we'll continue to spread the name of Xdinary Heroes widely with diverse music and stages, captivating many people with our unique music! We ask for your continued love and interest, and always stay healthy! We love you :)