엠넷 플러스 로고

Plus Magazine

Mnet 프로그램 목록 페이지





In February, just before the verdant spring, M COUNTDOWN heralded a vibrant change by introducing new faces to represent the program. The “newcomer” MONSTA X JOOHONEY, who will attract viewers’ attention with his unexpected charms, is the protagonist. With the ‘senior’ MC (G) I-dle MIYEON, who has been in charge of hosting for the past two years, JOOHONEY has already raised expectations with fantastic chemistry in the pre-content and finished the first broadcast safely on the 23rd as an energetic host. We took a closer look at the two MCs through an interview ‘Honey Yeoni’ armed with their prickly chemistry.





JOOHONEY, who joined M COUNTDOWN as the new MC, is the first MC to be a fixed MC on a music broadcast, but what if you express your feelings in your own distinctive onomatopoeia?  

JOOHONEY : I’m so excited and like butterflies in my stomach! I want to try it very energetically!



What was the reaction of close MONSTA X members and close friends around you?  

JOOHONEY : After 9 years since my debut, I became a M COUNTDOWN regular MC instead of a Special MC, so everyone was very surprised, but they told me that they really congratulated me! MONSTA X members also encouraged me to not be nervous and have fun broadcasting as usual.



You have gained a wealth of experience through music broadcasts and variety shows, and you have shown many impressive moments. What do you think are your strengths as a MC?  

JOOHONEY : I think my strength is my wits that make disadvantages seem like advantages. I’ve been broadcasting for long time that I’ve been able to gain a lot of experience, and my ability to substitute has grown naturally. I think my experience and quick thinking will be a good synergy in live broadcasting.





MIYEON, who has been hosting M COUNTDOWN since February 2021, what have you gained from being an MC for two years?

MIYEON : M COUNTDOWN has made my face known to more viewers and I seem to have become more loved. I always do it live, so there was pressure at first, but I think I got used to it and gained my wit. There were a lot of people who couldn’t imagine me being an MC because I don’t usually speak clearly, but thanks to MCD for recognizing me and entrusting me with the MC position, I think I gained credibility as a host.



Are there any particularly memorable episodes?  

MIYEON : I remember being nervous when I did my first broadcast as an MC and being embarrassed because I couldn’t properly deliver the trophy and microphone for the first place singer to announce his opinion.



In a few months, you will also get the longest-running MC title ever. What is the secret to being consistently loved by K-pop fans and broadcasters?


MIYEON : Thankfully, when I think about why I am so loved, I think it’s not because I’m special, but because I always have good people around. Still, if I had to pick one, wouldn’t it be because I always put my heart into it?





Recently, rookies are often hired as MCs for music broadcasts. Still, why were Miyeon and JOOHONEY chosen as the faces of M COUNTDOWN?


JOOHONEY : Maybe it’s my skillfulness. I think I was chosen because I have a lot of experience, so I can bring a little better flow and good atmosphere. When working with many singers as MCs, I think it is also the most important role for the host to help the performers show the viewers everything they have prepared without getting nervous. I think they believed in the fact that we can bring out those things well as our experiences are added.


MIYEON : As an MC, I get to interact with a lot of singers through interviews, etc., and I think I can host a little more comfortable as a colleague and senior who has experienced it together. I think the biggest thing is that, each of viewers believes that MIYEON and JOOHONEY will do well.



What do you expect from your partner?  

JOOHONEY : I want to see and learn from the atmosphere that leads the MCD.


MIYEON : He was full of energy from the day one and did it wonderfully without lacking, so it would be great if he could continue to do it like he is now.



So, what kind of “chemistry” do you want to show to viewers?  

JOOHONEY : I want to show the best chemistry with each other’s heavy and feathery comments not just light.


MIYEON : Bright and healthy energy! And as we both have years of working, we both will show you the mature progress if possible!



There are many music programs, but what do you think is the charm of M COUNTDOWN?

JOOHONEY : I think it’s freedom that is not enclosed.


MIYEON : There are many stages to show newcomers who have not yet seen the light or hidden gems. M COUNTDOWN always puts a lot of thought into introducing more artists to viewers.





M COUNTDOWN 하면 MC 신고식인 스페셜 스테이지를 빼놓을 수 없다. 비하인드를 살짝 풀어준다면.   

주헌 : 사실 준비는 조금 빠듯하게 했지만 목요일은 엠카의 날이기에 엠카를 함께 책임지는 노래, 어반자카파의 ‘목요일 밤’으로 정해서 미연 씨랑 같이 준비했습니다. 무대로는 처음 호흡을 맞추는 거였는데, 시청자분들이 무대를 좋게 봐주셔서 너무 감사해요.


미연 : 여러 곡을 후보로 두고 정하고 있었는데요. 일주일 중에 가장 지쳐 있을 목요일 밤에 널 데리러 가겠다 함께하겠다는 가사가 목요일 저녁 방송하는 저희 M COUNTDOWN에 딱 맞지 않나 생각이 들어서 바로 ‘이 곡이다!’ 싶었고 너무 기쁜 마음으로 준비했어요. 무대를 하면서도 엠카 시청자분들께 하고 싶은 말들이 가사로 담겨 있어서 좋았습니다.



같은 무대 위라도 MC로 설 때와 가수로 오를 때 마음가짐은 분명 다를 것 같습니다. 어떤 차이가 있을까요.   

주헌 : MC로는 방송 전체적인 흐름을 지휘하는 느낌이라면 가수로서는 그 무대의 흐름을 지휘하는 느낌이라는 점에서 차이가 있는 것 같아요.


미연 : 컴백을 위해 얼마나 많은 노력과 정성을 기울이는지 잘 알고 있기에 그 소중한 무대를 소개하는 일에 큰 책임을 느껴요. 무대 아래서 직접 멋진 무대들을 직접 볼 수 있음에 감사하고 선배나 동료로서 또 후배로서 응원하는 마음으로 함께합니다.



MC 만큼이나 본업인 가수로 활동하는 모습 역시 기다려집니다. 각 팀의 무대는 언제 다시 만날 수 있을지.   

주헌 : 그건 아직 잘 모르겠지만, 기다려 주신다면 반드시 만날 수 있습니다.


미연 : 아이들 컴백도 열심히 준비하는 중이어서 기대해 주셔도 좋을 것 같습니다.☺️



마지막으로 이제 막 첫 발을 떼기 시작한 MCD Magazine에게 한 마디, 그리고 M COUNTDOWN을 사랑해 주는 시청자분들을 위해서도 한 마디 부탁드립니다.   

주헌 : 저도 첫 발을 떼었고 음악 방송 MC로는 걸음마를 시작한 단계라고 생각합니다. 무한한 가능성, 그리고 빠른 성장 속도를 보여 드리면서 어엿한 성인이 된 듯한 깔끔한 진행해 보도록 하겠습니다. M COUNTDOWN 앞으로 많이 사랑해 주시고 화이팅!!!!


미연 : 매주 M COUNTDOWN 시청해 주시는 시청자분들 정말 감사드립니다. MC로서 책임감과 사랑을 가지고 앞으로도 열심히 진행하겠습니다. 그리고 MCD Magazine 시작을 축하드리고 함께 응원하겠습니다.❤️