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[Xdinary Heroes/Selfies] The Intensity and Softness Deadlock | M COUNTDOWN INTERVIEW



The band Xdinary Heroes, who refresh our hearts like a cool carbonated beverage with their own songs, has returned. They made a groundbreaking debut with ‘Happy Death Day’ and, just one year after starting their true hero journey with [Overload], they are now exuding a new charm once again. We, M Countdown Magazine, captured the subtly changed appearances of the six members, somehow different this time, along with their new album.

Welcome back, Xdinary Heroes, as confident heroes once again. Please greet our M Countdown Magazine readers!


GUN-IL: Hello, I'm GUN-IL, the leader of Xdinary Heroes. Nice to meet you :)

JUNGSU: Hello, I'm JUNGSU from Xdinary Heroes, back with our 3rd mini-album ‘Deadlock’! Nice to meet you! JUNGSU

GAON: Hello! I'm GAON, returning with a new look.

O.de: Hello to all the readers. I'm O.de, the charming fox in charge of Xdinary Heroes.

Jun Han: Hello, I'm Jun Han of Xdinary Heroes.

JOOYEON: Hello~ I'm JOOYEON, the indispensable frontman of the band Xdinary Heroes.



You all have been very busy since your debut last year with two albums, a year-end solo concert, and now your third mini-album in a row. How do you feel about running at such a breakneck pace over the past year?


GUN-IL: Of course, there are moments when we feel tired from constantly running without a break, but seeing ourselves and our band Xdinary Heroes grow every day brings us great satisfaction. In particular, realizing that we have spent a whole year together with many fans makes us feel proud and happy.

JUNGSU: We've been running at a breakneck pace for a year, but it's been a happy year as we've received so much love and attention. Therefore, this year, we'll take last year's energy and make it a year where we can run even harder!

GAON: Honestly, I can't believe it's already been a year since we've been running non-stop. Nonetheless, I'm proud that we've filled this one-year period without any regrets, making the most of it.

O.de: I think the fact that we can manage various schedules itself is truly something to be grateful for. As these grateful moments continue, I also aim to be someone who always does their best.

Jun Han: I feel like the experiences we've had in one year seemed more like events that happened over 2 or 3 years. Nevertheless, I'm filled with pride as I think we've grown ourselves during this time.

JOOYEON: I think it's been an incredibly eventful year for us to the point where one year feels really short. There were many things to learn and improve upon, and I believe it's been a year of growth for us.



You held a special live concert for your fan club Villains before the album release. How was the fans' and on-site reaction to [Deadlock] and the new songs?


GUN-IL: Many of our fans had high expectations for our new songs, and we believe we met those expectations in this special live performance. We still can't forget the heated atmosphere on-site. The reviews from many people saying that there wasn't a single disappointing song on our new album have left a lasting impression on me.

JUNGSU: Since we were preparing live performances of the songs from our new album for the first time, we put in a lot of effort and had many concerns. However, our fans loved it so much that our worries seemed insignificant, which in turn allowed us to create an even more perfect performance on stage.

GAON: Despite the fact that we were presenting new songs, our fans enjoyed them with us and even sang along right away. This allowed us to create a fun stage, as if we were performing songs that had already been released.

O.de: Even though our fans were hearing the songs for the first time, they enjoyed them with us, and on the second day of the concert, they even sang along with us. It was such a delightful time for us.

Jun Han: It seemed like our fans really enjoyed our new songs. The tracks in our album are similar to our previous releases, but the title song and the ballad seemed to have a fresh appeal to them.

JOOYEON: Even though the songs were new, we thought it might be difficult for our fans to respond during the performance, but as expected, Villains were the best. They responded so enthusiastically and enjoyed the show, and we were truly grateful for that.



In this album, your concept photos show a completely opposite image, revealing both freedom and calmness, which is quite different from your previous albums. What sets [Deadlock] apart from your previous albums?


GUN-IL: I think this album captures a more mature and sophisticated Xdinary Heroes in various aspects, from music to performance, styling, and more.

JUNGSU: If our previous albums contained stories about our first journey as heroes or our struggles between being a hero and a villain, now you can see a more confident us, no longer struggling, accepting ourselves as we are, and saying, ‘If you want to see me as a villain, then so be it’.

GAON: In this album ‘Deadlock,’ you can see that we are more focused on ‘ourselves’ compared to our previous albums. It contains messages about finding the answers within oneself, having endless conversations with oneself, and emphasizing that everyone should live as they are.

O.de: While our previous work contained stories of us struggling between being a hero and a villain, in this album, we've gone further to include stories of wanting to be free as ourselves.

Jun Han: This album ‘Deadlock’ seems to have themes that are not as easy to understand as our previous albums. While listening to the music on this album, I think I've had various thoughts.

JOOYEON: In our previous albums, mischievousness was our main image, but with 'Deadlock,' we felt the desire to express a more matured and eerie vibe that has grown from there.



You have actively used coding terms since your 1st album [Hello, World!], and your new release is said to be a programming language meaning ‘stuck state’. Could you briefly explain the meaning contained within ‘Deadlock’?


GUN-IL: Deadlock means a situation where two opposing forces are in confrontation without giving even an inch of concession.

JUNGSU: In our previous albums, we showed you the aspects of us struggling with various concerns. In this album, we tried to step out of the tightly opposing thoughts within ourselves, acknowledging our own dark sides, and attempted to break the frames or binary thinking that others have about us, defining us as villains. We expressed this story through the word ‘deadlock’.

GAON: ‘Deadlock’ is a computer programming term meaning ‘a state of being stuck’. This captures our current state of pondering the main theme of this album, ‘What am I between good and evil?’.

O.de: Our mini 3rd album ‘Deadlock’ goes beyond our previous albums that depicted the struggle between the 'hero' and the 'villain' within music. It now contains the cry to be free as ‘oneself’. We tried to break free from the conflicting thoughts inside ourselves, acknowledging the dark side that we possess, and shattering the frame or binary thinking of people who define us as villains. We expressed this story through music and visual content.

Jun Han: The term ‘deadlock,’ which means ‘a state of being stuck,’ represents the inner conflict between the hero and the villain. In the midst of that conflict, it contains our desire to become more free as ‘ourselves’.

JOOYEON:  We tried to capture our image, where good and evil coexist, within ‘deadlock’.



Then, what is the [Deadlock] newly defined by Xdinary Heroes?


GUN-IL: We expressed the tense confrontation between good and evil within ourselves using the word ‘Deadlock,’ which means a state of being stuck.

JUNGSU: his is our first album where we make our own definition of ourselves for the first time, breaking free from the struggle. It's Xdinary Heroes’ first transformation and an album that shows our growth, no longer immature.

GAON: Through this album ‘Deadlock,’ we want to convey the message that although a deadlock is an uneasy and difficult time, it is an essential stage for growth. So, we want to define ‘Deadlock’ as a ‘growing process’.

O.de: It's about good and evil! 

Jun Han: It's similar to living a life where you're always contemplating and questioning.

JOOYEON: We questioned, ‘who determines the standards of good and evil?’.



Living up to your nickname ‘The melting pot of Genres,’ you've included various unique sounds in the title track ‘Freakin' Bad,’ such as the sound of sirens. What is your favorite point or aspect of this album?


GUN-IL: For me, the powerful guitar sound with sidechain compression feels incredibly appealing.
JUNGSU: If you listen to the intro of ‘Man in the Box’ from the ‘Deadlock’ album, there's a part where we start the song with our voices. This was an attempt to create an instrument using our voices to express the extraordinary heroes. That's my favorite point.

GAON: For this album, we recorded all the guitar parts using an amplifier. We researched various guitar tones and tried out different tones to capture our unique sound. For me, the carefully crafted guitar tone that we put a lot of effort into is my favorite aspect.

O.de: I think the most standout point might be JOOYEON's shouting right before the chorus kicks in.

Jun Han: My favorite part of the title track ‘Freakin' Bad’ is JOOYEON's scream that comes after the guitar solo part ends.

JOOYEON:  The gunshot sound that comes right after the first verse and before the introduction of the second verse really captivated my ears.



It seems like you always prepare parts in your songs where fans can sing along together. Did you specifically prepare any such parts for this title track as well?


GUN-IL: For this song, we specifically designed the entire chorus in a way that fans can sing along together.

JUNGSU: I think that the chorus part of our title track this time is designed in a way that fans can easily sing along. With the lyrics ‘freakin' bad, bad freakin' good, good,’ as fans sing along, they might naturally start headbanging together as well!

GAON: For our album's title track this time, we made sure that from the chorus part to the hook part, it is all easy to sing along with. We even simplified the lyrics as much as possible so that once you listen to it, you can immediately sing along.

O.de: We made the lyrics and melody of the repeating chorus in our title track so that fans can easily sing along with it.

Jun Han: After the chorus of the title track, there is a hook section where everyone can sing along together, and it doesn't require perfect pitch matching, allowing for an energetic chant-like experience.

JOOYEON:  In the ad-lib part of our title track, we've tried to make it possible for a group chant during the shouting section.



In this album, the members who took charge of the string instruments, GAON, Jun Han, and JOOYEON, made a remarkable impression with their performance in the ‘string player’ position. The guitar solos throughout the album are captivating. Do you have any favorite guitarists or bands that you particularly like?


GAON: These days, I really enjoy the sound of a band called Paramore. They are the band that I've been studying and researching the most recently. Paramore's unique sound gives me a lot of inspiration.

Jun Han: I have so many favorite guitarists, but lately, I've been thinking a lot about John Frusciante from Red Hot Chili Peppers. As for bands, I really like Linkin Park.

JOOYEON: here's a band that I've loved ever since I started my musical journey, and that band is 5 Seconds Of Summer. I particularly adore Luke Hemmings and have a lot of love for him. He's my role model.



The strength of Xdinary Heroes undoubtedly lies in your energetic and overflowing band sound. However, among your songs, there are also unexpected genres like hip-hop that appear. What is the secret to your ability to incorporate such diverse genres?


GUN-IL: The biggest advantage of our team is that each member has their own strengths. For each part that involves different genres, the member who can best handle it in their own style can reinterpret it in a cool way. That's why we can continue to make various attempts.

JUNGSU: I think the key is our fearlessness and willingness to take on challenges. Rather than saying, “In fact, we can handle anything!”, we show a continuous willingness to try new things without setting limitations. I believe that exemplifies the spirit of Xdinary Heroes.

GAON: When creating music, we tend to try things out first rather than getting caught up in serious deliberation. It is through this process that unexpected and unique sounds emerge, gradually forming the sound of Xdinary Heroes.

O.de: We always strive to recognize and improve our individual shortcomings, constantly putting effort into advancing ourselves.

Jun Han: With each of the six members possessing different charms and strengths, I think that's where the three-dimensional music of Xdinary Heroes comes from.

JOOYEON:  Instead of having a specific secret to digesting various genres, we wanted to express our desire to showcase the genres we enjoy in our music.


In the first half of the album, we witnessed the intense side of Xdinary Heroes, while from 'Checkmate' onwards until the latter half, we were able to glimpse their calm and delicate transformation. Do you each believe that you are better suited to a particular part?


GUN-IL: I think the calm and delicate vibe suits me better. The music I enjoy listening to and the songs I personally work on often have a calm and delicate feel to them.

JUNGSU: I believe I fit well in any part, haha. Actually, I think my voice shines more in calm and delicate songs, but especially since I joined Xdinary Heroes, I feel like I have a voice that is not limited to any particular genre.

GAON: I lean more towards the first half of the album. It's a part that showcases Xdinary Heroes’ overflowing energy, and I think it allows my own color to shine better.

O.de: While the calm vibe suits us well, I think the intense image matches us the best.
Jun Han: GUN-IL, JUNGSU, GAON, and O.de seem to fit better in the later parts, while I think I fit better in the earlier parts. JOOYEON seems to fit well in both parts, but slightly more in the earlier parts.

JOOYEON: I think ‘good enough,’ which belongs to the pop ballad genre that I usually enjoy, suits me very well.



‘Good enough’ and ‘Dear H.’ are ballads where you can fully showcase your vocals. As these songs have a distinct atmosphere compared to your previous tracks, there must have been several episodes during the preparation process. Is there any particularly memorable incident that stands out in your memory?


GUN-IL: As we had always been practicing energetic and lively songs in the rehearsal studio, the moment we first played a calm and atmospheric song stands out in my memory. At some point, everyone became fully immersed in the song, pouring their emotions into singing and performing.

JUNGSU: Since the two ballads included in this album needed to showcase a different charm from our previous music, we put in even more effort to capture the emotions. That's why, during the recording process, we recorded both songs with the lights off in the studio. We hope that the emotions we felt in that moment will be fully conveyed to everyone who listens to the songs.

GAON: As it was our first time recording ballads, we did our best to immerse ourselves in the emotions. We even dimmed the lights in the studio to create a suitable atmosphere for the ballads, and during the recording, I actually shed tears, experiencing new emotions.

O.de: I remember dimming the lights in the recording studio when we were recording the ballad songs, to elevate the emotions and atmosphere.

Jun Han: I have a memorable episode related to ‘Dear H.’ since I participated in that song. It was my first time writing a ballad, so I remember contemplating how to start and how to approach the writer's thoughts.

JOOYEON: I remember during the recording of ‘good enough,’ the emotional trajectory was extremely important. To intensify the emotions, we turned off the lights in the recording booth. That memory stands out to me.



Can you introduce to the fans a way to fully enjoy your diverse and lively album [Deadlock] 100%?


GUN-IL: There's a saying that happiness multiplies when shared. As the upcoming summer vacation season approaches, I believe that listening to the vibrant [Deadlock] album in the car, feeling the cool breeze with friends and family, will make the journey even more enjoyable.

JUNGSU: I recommend listening to the entire album in the order of the tracklist. We always consider the track order important when selecting and arranging songs for an album, and this album also has a meaningful track sequence. If you start with the powerful energy of the first track, ‘Come into my head,’ and finish calmly with the seventh track, ‘Dear. H,’ you'll be able to fully enjoy ‘Deadlock’.

GAON: Our album ‘Deadlock’ is like a movie. If you listen to it in the order of the tracks, considering the meaning of each song, you'll be able to discover the messages we wanted to convey.

O.de: Personally, I believe the charm of a band lies in live performances. We will be reaching out to you through various stages, so we ask for your support and love!!!

Jun Han: I think it would be best to play our songs loudly and enjoy them in a space where you can be alone!

JOOYEON:  Just surrender yourself to our music, headbang, and enjoy it to the fullest. That way, you can fully enjoy it 100%.



Lastly, what are the goals and resolutions that you, who quickly revved up this year as well, want to achieve in the remaining year of 2023?


GUN-IL: We hope that our fandom becomes even stronger and continues to grow significantly. Furthermore, we, as a team, also strive to cherish and support each other, creating a positive synergy together continuously.

JUNGSU: Our goal for this year is to have more people recognize the charm of Xdinary Heroes and achieve a higher ranking on the domestic streaming charts with our songs. We would be truly happy if we had the opportunity to perform on even bigger stages and share our music. We would like to express our gratitude once again to all the people who love and support us. This year, Xdinary Heroes will continue to provide great energy to all our fans!

GAON: My biggest wish is for our band to have a healthy and safe 2023. Our greatest goal is for all of us to make music happily. In line with that, I will continue to love music even more and love Xdinary Heroes even more.

O.de: It would be great if we could make it onto the domestic streaming charts this year. We will always strive to do our best as a band!!!

Jun Han:  My goals may not be grand, but I hope all the members continue to grow and stay healthy.

JOOYEON: My wish is to collaborate with the band 5 Seconds Of Summer. It doesn't have to be this year, but I would love to sing together someday when we have grown even more.