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[H1-KEY/Seflies] Make people forget their daily fatigue and convey a strong positive energy with 'Seoul Dreaming' | M COUNTDOWN INTERVIEW




The girl group H1-KEY, known for their ‘reality sympathy’ that provides solace in our frustrating reality, has made a comeback. Last year, they garnered much love as their song ‘Rose Blossom’ sparked a reverse trend. They are reaching out to us with their warm consolation once again through their second EP, [Seoul Dreaming]. With their double title tracks ‘SEOUL (Such a Beautiful City)’ and ‘Time to Shine,’ H1-KEY intends to make people forget about the daily fatigue and convey a strong positive energy. We, M Countdown magazine, had the privilege of meeting H1-KEY, who have just heralded the beginning of their new album.





You released a new album [Seoul Dreaming] after 7 months. How do you feel right now?

SEOI: We believe this album showcases a different charm of H1-KEY compared to our previous album [Rose Blossom], so we are very excited and nervous!



The title of your new album, [Seoul Dreaming], is quite eye-catching. Why did you include the city ‘Seoul’ in your album name? 

RIINA: We believe that Seoul is a place where hope and despair, joy and sorrow intersect continuously. Just as many people dream in their respective cities, we wanted to convey that even if you're not in Seoul, it can be a place where you can dream with us. That's why we chose the title ‘Seoul’.



Among the members, only YEL was born in a city other than Seoul. YEL, it seems that you also came to Seoul in pursuit of your dreams. What does Seoul represent to you? 

YEL: Seoul is the place that assisted me in achieving my dreams and the place where I actually realized them. And now, it's also the place where I'm dreaming even bigger dreams. Therefore, the song ‘SEOUL’ is of great significance to me.



The reaction from fans to your pre-released title track ‘Time to Shine’ has been significant. Could you introduce us to the song? 

HWISEO: ‘Time to Shine’ is, as the name suggests, a song that carries the message ‘Let's not lose our dreams and hopes but fulfill them’. It's a song filled with hope that can comfort listeners by telling them that everything will be okay.



After your previous work, DAY6 member Young K participated in the production of your album again. Do you have any special stories or moments while working with him? 

SEOI: Unfortunately, we didn't get to meet him in person during the song recording for this album. However, there was a time at a festival we took part in where we encountered Young K. He expressed his support for us, saying he's been closely following our performances, and we were all deeply grateful for his kind words. Moreover, not long ago, we were invited to a radio program hosted by Young K. During the program, we discussed the lyrics of our title track ‘SEOUL’ that he had contributed to, and shared our personal reflections about Seoul. It was a genuinely meaningful and special time for us.



Your new title track also seems to convey a similar message to your hit song ‘Rose Blossom’. The songs with such messages can even better highlight the charm of H1-KEY. What do you think is your unique charm that you speak of? 

RIINA: I believe the fun and captivating aspect of H1-KEY lies in the distinct personalities of each member. All four of us have our own unique colors and characteristics. The fact that members with such diverse charms come together to deliver different comforting messages through our music seems to be our own special allure!



Undoubtedly, the unique charm of H1-KEY lies in the lyrics of your songs. In ‘Time to Shine,’ which lyrics resonate most with each of you? 

SEOI: I like the lyrics ‘So that it can be remembered with gratitude for shining,’ because it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling :)


RIINA: Don’t lose this passion


HWISEO: By that exhausting wind


YEL: I like the part that says ‘Hey, it's okay, we’re heading to a level up’. Not only is it my part, but the lyrics give me a comforting feeling that everything is alright! 



It seems the past 2 years have been a pivotal time for H1-KEY. Not only did ‘Rose Blossom’ make a resurgence, but HWISEO also clinched 1st place on <Queendom Puzzle>. Participating in a survival program must not have been easy. What motivated you to decide to appear on the show?

RIINA: We believed that there was a unique side of us that could only be showcased on <Queendom Puzzle>. Even though we were anxious, we viewed it as a valuable opportunity to perform on a grander stage and to grow further, so we made the decision to join :)


HWISEO: We've spent a long time as trainees, building our skills, and I wanted to share that with many people. Also, I thought it would be a chance to show a new aspect of myself, so I decided to take the plunge!



When HWISEO became the final 1st place winner on <Queendom Puzzle>, what did you all discuss amongst yourselves? 

YEL: Firstly, I had been watching all the performances of the other members since the first broadcast. Seeing them consistently doing well, I felt very proud and I believe it was the first time I told the members that they worked hard!



How do you relieve stress when you're going through tough times or have difficult tasks at hand? Do each of you have ways to maintain your ‘inner well-being’? 

SEOI: I often go window shopping just to look at pretty things, even if I don't buy them!


RIINA: Watching good movies! Reading good books! Listening to good music!


HWISEO: I put down all electronic devices and either clear my thoughts in a quiet place or listen to uplifting music!


YEL: Lately, I've taken up several hobbies. Engaging in hobby activities relieves my stress, so I spend time coloring or working on scrapbooks. 

The craze for the ‘Time to Shine’ challenge is already blowing up. Do you have any tips for doing the so-called ‘TTS’ challenge well? 

SEOI: For the ‘level up’ part, if you shape your thumb and index finger into an L and boost your energy as if you're reaching the end of the universe, that would be perfect!



Which track from your latest album [Seoul Dreaming] is your favorite? 

RIINA: I especially like the 5th track, ‘Magical Dream’. It feels like a song that gives you the power to turn fantasy into reality as if casting a spell.



What is your goal that you really want to achieve with this album? 

HWISEO: Our goal is to rank number one on a music broadcast!

Lastly, could you give a final greeting to the readers of M Countdown Magazine? 

YEL: To the readers of M Countdown Magazine, thank you for watching H1-KEY's interview up until now! We will continue to strive to be artists who can deliver emotions and comfort, so please keep watching us! We also ask for a lot of love and interest in our new album [Seoul Dreaming]!