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[EVNNE/Selfies] The confident debut of the seven stars that embroider the night sky, <Target: ME> | M COUNTDOWN INTERVIEW



Do you remember the buzz from <BOYS PLLANET> that lit up last winter? The seven boys who left an unforgettable impression with their confidence and passion that burst through the screen have come together again under the name EVNNE. For their debut, they've confidently chosen [Target: ME] as their title, with ‘Trouble’ being the lead track. From the outset, their undeniable talent and intense energy are evident. Yet, in our interview this time, the members' sincerity, humility, and continuous desire to learn and grow shine through. Let's dive into the journey of the boys who have recaptured everyone's attention!





Hello, it's already been half a year since ended! It's so great to see all of you again. How have you been since the show ended?

PARK HANBIN: I traveled to the sea and mountains and prepared for the WAKEONE fan meeting.

PARK JIHOO: I enjoyed leisure activities like basketball, took a break, and practiced with my school friends to improve my skills.

MUN JUNGHYUN: After the broadcast, I felt my shortcomings and focused on practicing to show the fans a better version of myself.

KEITA: I spent my time preparing various things so that I could meet the fans as soon as possible.

YOO SEUNGEON: I worked on strengthening my fundamentals and dedicated time to finding my unique style. I aimed to present a different charm than what I showcased on the show.

JI YUNSEO: I took some time off with my family, reflected on areas of improvement, and charted my future course.

LEE JEONGHYEON: After taking a short break, I prepared for the WAKEONE fan meeting stage.



Considering the swift progress you've all made in such a short time, you must have experienced quite a lot. Right after the broadcast ended, you made your return. Could you briefly share your feelings about coming back?

PARK HANBIN, JI YUNSEO: Honestly, we didn't expect to stand in front of you all so soon. This opportunity to chase our dreams again is so precious and we're truly grateful. We hope you'll continue to support our evolving journey and embrace our growth.

PARK JIHOO, MUN JUNGHYUN, YOO SEUNGEON: Every day spent communicating with our fandom ENVVE is so dear and joyous to us. We're sincerely grateful to the fans who waited for us as we are now at the starting line, and we promise to show you even better versions of ourselves in the future.

KEITA, LEE JEONGHYEON: We too were longing for the stage, and we're thrilled to have the opportunity to showcase our charms to our fans. We want to show you our more matured and grown selves.



The images of you all during <BOYS PLANET> are still vivid in our memories. Through the show, what did each of you learn and how did you grow?

PARK HANBIN, LEE JEONGHYEON, KEITA: Thanks to the opportunities to meet many fans, we feel we've grown a lot personally. On stage, we learned from the energy and performances various trainees showcased, and during music recording, we learned different musical styles.

MUN JUNGHYUN, PARK JIHOO: We were able to learn specific stage manners like how to emphasize our facial expressions and dance moves on stage.

YOO SEUNGEON, JI YUNSEO: While participating in the show, we were motivated by a friendly competition and learned about stage manners and the right mindset from many of our seniors and juniors.



What was the reason that the seven of you came together under the name EVNNE?

Thanks to the immense love from the fans for the charms we showed on the broadcast. Subsequently, Jellyfish Entertainment gave us a great offer and support, allowing us to stand in front of you all again.



The ‘EVNNE’ logo hand-drawn by all the members before the debut was impressive. PARK HANBIN's logo utilizing a cute character was especially memorable. Could each of you briefly share what you had in mind when thinking about EVNNE and drawing it?

PARK HANBIN: While contemplating the logo, I was inspired by the image of a fox. So, I drew a picture combining a fox and a rabbit, and I also wanted to create a logo in Korean.

PARK JIHOO: I tried to incorporate sleek and luxurious vibes of EVNNE by adding some curves to the design.

MUN JUNGHYUN: Given that there are seven of us, the first thing that came to my mind was a rainbow. I tried to design it with the intention of showing our diverse colors and personalities.

KEITA: I wanted to express our intense image for this album.

YOO SEUNGEON: I felt our team name was pretty, so I drew a ribbon.

JI YUNSEO: I like clean and simple logos, so I drew a charismatic image of EVNNE.

LEE JEONGHYEON: I wanted to create a logo that captures our distinctiveness and leaves an imprint. Thus, I designed it utilizing the unique feature of having two E's and two N's.



The stages you've showcased on the previous survival show must differ from those on M Countdown after your debut. How has your mindset changed?

PARK HANBIN, MUN JUNGHYUN: We felt the need to maintain a professional demeanor comparable to our seniors, and gave our best on stage with that in mind. The stages we stood on as trainees and the stages after our debut felt really different. We tried hard to identify and refine any shortcomings or areas for improvement to showcase a more grown version of ourselves.

PARK JIHOO: I wanted to bring joy to both those who don't know us yet and our fans.

KEITA, LEE JEONGHYEON: We're aiming for a great stage both as idols and as individual artists. For this, we're putting a lot of effort into our performance.

JI YUNSEO, YOO SEUNGEON: We were nervous, but also very excited. With the ambition to make a mark in this world as EVNNE, better than before, we approached it with a mindset of making a strong statement.




Let's delve deeper into your debut album. The title [Target: ME] seems very bold and full of confidence. What significance or message does this album convey?

PARK HANBIN, PARK JIHOO, MUN JUNGHYUN: [Target: ME] implies making ‘myself’ the target that the public wants. We will show various facets of ourselves in the future, aiming to be the 'target' and goal for all of you.

KEITA, YOO SEUNGEON, JI YUNSEO: This album embodies our determination to capture everyone's attention with our energy and charm. It contains various tracks showcasing different charms, ranging from intense to friendly and comfortable. We aim to be the rising stars of the 5th generation of K-pop!

LEE JEONGHYEON: We tried to capture our ambitions and resolutions as we set our first foot in the music industry, portraying them in the form of fierce youngsters.



Your title track ‘Trouble’ leaves a powerful impression from the start. Which parts did each of you focus on preparing the most for in your respective roles?

PARK HANBIN: I focused particularly on the chorus part. Since it's the central part of the song, I worked hard to deliver a strong energy.

PARK JIHOO: After KEITA's part towards the end, I thought, ‘Let's show it through dance,’ so I prepared most diligently for that last segment.

MUN JUNGHYUN: I worked hard on the bridge part, specifically the ‘Slay it without a thought, Shake it without restraint, Play it’ lines. It's a powerful vocal segment, so I contemplated on how to give it a more impressive feel.

KEITA: I handled a significant rap part in this song. I strived to show as much energy as possible.

JI YUNSEO: I placed a personal emphasis on refining my vocals. Especially with new tones and expressions, some of which I was trying for the first time, it felt unfamiliar, but I invested a lot of time to make them my own.

YOO SEUNGEON: I concentrated on bringing out the feel of the pre-chorus part, particularly the line ‘Keep going every day, but I can’t be satisfied’.

LEE JEONGHYEON: The details of the high-difficulty choreography are crucial, so I did my best to enhance the choreography's completeness.



Your fiery determination and teamwork consistently shine through, yet in sections like ‘Wingardium Leviosa, ooh,’ a hint of levity and wit emerges. So, which part of ‘Trouble’ would you pick as the song's ‘killing part’?

PARK HANBIN, MUN JUNGHYUN, JI YUNSEO, LEE JEONGHYEON: It's the chorus part where we express the theme with the line ‘because my name is trouble’. The reason being, all seven of us members release a strong energy with powerful synchronized dance moves, and it seems to best showcase our mischievous and matured sides.

PARK JIHOO: The rap part by KEITA in the second verse stands out to me.

KEITA: Personally, I really like the confidence exuded in the part ‘I be the one, believe in me’.

YOO SEUNGEON: Since we put a lot of effort into preparation, I believe every member's part could be considered the ‘killing part’.



Given the intensity of your title track, the rap sections seem to particularly stand out, effectively capturing the mood. How did the members assigned to rap sections prepare for the track?

PARK JIHOO: I believe that clarity of delivery is the most important aspect of rap, so I focused on diction and flow during practice.

KEITA: I tried to ensure that my rap exuded confidence while still retaining a sense of energy.

LEE JEONGHYEON: At first, my goal was to only project an intense image, but I realized that incorporating a slight smile and leisurely gestures gave off a more mischievous feel. I focused my practice on that aspect.



The mini-album, following the title track with its strong emphasis on electronic music, is quite diverse, featuring a hip-hop track ‘Role Model’ that evokes nostalgia from the past and an R&B track ‘Your Text’. Despite being a mini-album, it's filled with a rich variety of songs to listen to. Which track do you think best embodies each of your characters?

PARK HANBIN, PARK JIHOO, MUN JUNGHYUN, KEITA, JI YUNSEO, LEE JEONGHYEON: Given that many members excel in rap and dance, we believe that the lively, bouncy, and wild-feeling ‘Role Model’ best represents us. It feels aligned with EVNNE's unique color, showcasing each member's individual charm while coming together as a whole.

YOO SEUNGEON: I think the emotionally-rich ballad ‘Even More’ suits us well. Since this song is dedicated to our fans, we sang with all our hearts, genuinely thinking about our fans during the recording. As we progressed, it felt more and more like, “Ah, this is truly our song”.




Your ability to tackle such a broad range of music surely speaks to your outstanding talents! So, which music genres and which artists do each of you favor the most?

PARK HANBIN: I like R&B that evokes a dawn sentiment. I want to be as cool on stage as Woodz.

PARK JIHOO: I'm fond of indie music and really admire HYUKOH.

MUN JUNGHYUN: I love K-POP the most. I'd like to say that NCT 127 are my musical role models.

KEITA: I enjoy a variety of genres such as pop, hip-hop, R&B, and funk. I research extensively to become versatile in each of them. I particularly like rappers, especially Ph-1, ZICO, and PENOMECO.

YOO SEUNGEON: My role model is BAEKHYUN, who excels in dance tracks and also does justice to ballads and R&B as a solo artist. I aspire to continue the legacy of his main vocal skills and represent the 5th generation as a main vocalist!

JI YUNSEO: I appreciate various music genres and often listen to band sounds and pop. I'm fond of Justin Bieber's music.

LEE JEONGHYEON: Since I handle the rap parts, I listen to a lot of hip-hop and R&B, often singing along and researching vocals. I truly admire and respect PENOMECO. His ability to both rap and sing, his distinctive tone, and his production skills make him a unique multi-talented artist, from which I believe there's a lot to learn.



Could you suggest ways for fans to best enjoy the title track 'Trouble' and the entire album?

MUN JUNGHYUN, YOO SEUNGEON, LEE JEONGHYEON: Our title track ‘Trouble’ has intense music, so it might be great to listen to when you want to enjoy an upbeat atmosphere, like when exercising or driving. ENVVE, how about trying to listen ‘Trouble’ when working out? Haha. Also, the songs in our album cover a variety of styles, so they'd be great to save in your playlist and listen to.

KEITA, JI YUNSEO: The energy we exude on stage is one of our greatest charms. We'd be grateful if you could check out our stage performances to feel that intense energy.

PARK JIHOO: Also, if you listen to our songs while walking down the street, it might give you the confidence of a runway model.

PARK HANBIN: Our album, [Target: ME], stands out with its ‘sweet and salty’ charm. There are many fun elements in the beat, and if you savor the lyrics slowly, you'll be able to appreciate them even more!



You seem to resonate very well with the meaning of your group name, EVNNE, as a ‘new star in the night sky’. How would you like EVNNE to be remembered in the future?

PARK JIHOO: I hope we are remembered as artists who excel in music.

MUN JUNGHYUN, KEITA, YOO SEUNGEON, JI YUNSEO, LEE JEONGHYEON: We are a team of all-rounders, each possessing not only individual charm but also exceptional skills. Like a star that rises in the night sky drawing everyone's gaze, or like the Big Dipper shining the way, we want to be remembered as a team that offers comfort and radiates positive energy.

PARK HANBIN: I hope we're not just fleeting stars, but rather a team that continues to shine on stage.



Do you have any final words for your fandom ‘ENNVE,’ who has always stood by EVNNE like a mirror, and the readers of the M Countdown Magazine?

PARK HANBIN: I want to express my gratitude for always showing us immense love and interest. Please keep supporting our activities and look forward to our next album! Also, don't forget to watch our stage on M Countdown!

PARK JIHOO: Hello, readers of M Countdown Magazine! I'm PARK JIHOO. I aspire to stand before all of you as a musically proficient artist, so please keep an eye on me!

MUN JUNGHYUN: To our fandom ENVVE, and all the readers! As we are still emerging stars in the night sky, I hope you will always remember and have high expectations for our seven shining stars. We will continue to shine brighter as EVNNE. Thank you, and we love you!

KEITA: We promise to show more of our charm and continuously evolving sides in the future, so please keep watching us 💫.

JI YUNSEO: I want to convey my gratitude and love to our ENVVE, who always stands by us, empowering and progressing together. We will strive to be the EVNNE you're proud of, continuously growing and working tirelessly. Thank you!

YOO SEUNGEON: A big thank you to our fandom ENVVE, who consistently supports us and provides immense strength! We truly appreciate you and in return, we'll repay you with wonderful performances. We aim to show diverse charms that we haven't shown on broadcasts yet, and we promise to grow into a more remarkable EVNNE. Love you all~!!

LEE JEONGHYEON: To the readers of the M Countdown Magazine! We promise to work relentlessly and earn recognition in the future, so please keep supporting our endeavors! And to our ENVVE! I'm deeply grateful for always walking with us, wishing us genuine happiness, and showing concern. Thank you and love you. Please keep supporting us in the future!