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[SUNMI/Selfies] A page of SUNMI decorated by strange story, <STRANGER> | M COUNTDOWN INTERVIEW



SUNMI is back! After successfully completing her second tour, <Good Girl Gone Mad>, SUNMI took ample time to prepare before finally returning to M Countdown with her captivating new single album. Just like the song's theme of falling in love with a stranger, the music continuously changes in rhythm, tempo, and mood, showcasing a unique charm that captivates the listener and makes it impossible to take your eyes off SUNMI's performance. Experience the joy of listening to her music, the pleasure of watching her live performances, and now, the delight of reading her interview. Meet 31-year-old SUNMI, a contemplative artist, and her [STRANGER] here in M Countdown Magazine.




SUNMI, it's really been a long time since your comeback. Could you first greet the readers of M Countdown Magazine and the fans?

Hello! I’m SUNMI, back with [STRANGER]!



It’s been 1 year and 4 months since we last heard from you. How have you spent this time?

I completed my second world tour <Good Girl Gone Mad>. Thankfully, many fans came to see me, and I made a lot of dreamlike memories.



During your time off, or while working, was there any music you listened to often? Or perhaps any movies or dramas you watched?

I prefer light movies that I can watch casually over content that makes me think deeply. Like the <Avengers> series or <Extreme Job>. As a result, I found myself re-watching familiar films and shows. And during my downtime, I got hooked on a song called ‘Golden Hour’ by JVKE and listened to it a lot.



The long break you took is quite evident in the depth of thought put into this album. Could you give us a brief introduction to your new single album [STRANGER]?

My title track ‘STRANGER’ is a song about falling in love with a stranger. There are frequent changes in rhythm and tempo, which also leads to continuous shifts in mood. Thus, my performance provides a feast for both the ears and the eyes.



Your album consists of three tracks: ‘Calm myself,’ ‘STRANGER,’ and ‘Call my name’. Since there aren't many songs, could you please give us a description of each track?

‘Calm myself’ is a song styled after old rock, characterized by its dramatic melodic progression. It tells my story of not seeking stability by relying on something or someone else, but instead comforting myself and finding peace with just a cup of tea, embracing a healthier state of mind.


‘Call my name’ originated from the idea of reversing roles, where I express the heartfelt words that my fans, MIYANE, consistently share with me. In fact, aside from the theme of ‘Fangirling,’ the lyrics echo a sweet love song. Creating the song, I realized that the nuances of fangirling and love are quite similar.



The word ‘Fangirling’ particularly stands out. Since your time with Wonder Girls, you have been the subject of admiration for many, and more recently, you’ve often talked about ‘fangirling over oneself’. In this work as well, what does ‘fangirling’ mean to SUNMI?

I believe it means accepting and loving oneself, regardless of the good or bad aspects; being endlessly curious, delving deep and reaching the bottom of oneself; and fully acknowledging and embracing oneself.



Looking at the album credits, it’s impressive to see your significant involvement in the lyrics, composition, and production. While gaining musical freedom, did you face any difficulties?

Making music is a fun process for me, rather than a source of stress. Just as an actor takes pride in their expanding filmography, I take pride in the growth of my discography. I think I still feel more excitement than anything during the process of deciding what story to tell through my music.



When writing lyrics or composing, what is the most important thing to you?

I believe the most crucial aspect is determining the story the song will convey, and figuring out how to best express that story within a particular genre and through a distinct character.




‘STRANGER’ feels as unfamiliar as its title suggests. From the profoundness heard in Muse’s ‘Resistance’ to vibes reminiscent of The Weeknd and Billie Eilish, and even a reggae rhythm, it feels like a pop mix that continuously evolves. What was the process of working on this song like?

The creative process behind this song was actually quite straightforward and intuitive Ideas of the intro, followed by this rhythm and that sound, which I thought would be fun, all came together in my head like a single track. I shared these ideas with producer FRANTS, who also found them interesting. He enthusiastically contributed his best ideas to help complete the song. We definitely knew that this song was an adventure, but these diverse ideas blended well into one mood of ‘gloomy’ within the song.



While the composition is unique, your vocals are very calm and seem to be sung effortlessly. Did you intend to create such a dramatic contrast between the instrumental and the vocals?

That’s right! Ultimately, the reason this song could be harmonious is probably due to the expression of my calm emotions and my non-dramatic vocals.



The song’s melodic and accessible nature allowed us to immerse ourselves more in SUNMI’s story.

Thank you. However, I still face many challenges. Finding a balance between making the song easy to listen to while also ensuring the performance is powerful is something I contemplate daily.



The mysterious Halloween vibe that was felt in your music is also revealed in the music video. The mood is quite different, but it reminds me of the music video for ‘Full Moon (Feat. Lena)’. Was there a particular image you wanted to emphasize?

In this performance, I wanted to create a picture that is eerie and bizarre, yet not too heavy. In the music video, I wanted to go further and show the character of the artist SUNMI. Serious, yet quirky in some ways - I think that's exactly who I am.



Recently, the program <Dancing Queens on the Road>, a dance show featuring renowned artists like Kim Wansun, Lee Hyori, and others, garnered significant attention. As a fellow dance artist, watching your seniors and juniors must have brought many thoughts to your mind. Didn't it feel like seeing both SUNMI's past and future at the same time?

Watching it, I could feel a deep bond between female solo artists representing their generations. Thanks to that, I was able to empathize and enjoy the program. It inspired me to consider how, in the distant future, I might elegantly display the pivotal moments and milestones of my journey as ‘artist’ SUNMI.



What are the charming points and the killing parts of the 'STRANGER' choreography?

The movements that resemble bats seem to maximize the eerie feel of the song. The charming points are the hand movements that mimic a bat hanging upside down, barely showing the eyes, and then moving forward abruptly, as well as the part where it seems like I’m shaking off my whole body, trapped in a swarm of bats coming at me!



Moving forward, what kind of stories do you want to create as the artist ‘SUNMI’?

I haven't really thought about what kind of stories I should tell as a singer. SUNMI, in her late 20s, wanted to be a free spirit and expressed that desire in her music. SUNMI at 28 talked about a love she wished wasn’t just a midsummer night's dream. And now, at 31 years old, SUNMI is telling a bizarre story about falling in love with a stranger she’s never met before. I’m also one of those curious about what story I will tell next.



Finally, could you say a word to your fandom ‘MIYANE’?

MIYANE, I love you all! Let’s be cute. For a long, long time, together. Just trust me and follow!